Author Kelly Goetsch, a product manager focusing on large-scale eCommerce solutions, aims at educating eCommerce stakeholders on whether, why and how they could move their IT infrastructure to the cloud.
The book is quite easy to read, mainly due to the fact that the presentation of the technologies and techniques is kept at a high level.
Topics of the book include:
- Cloud computing related terminology
- Cloud architectures
- Availability: how to avoid outages
- Performance: perform transactions in a reasonable amount of time
- Automation: reducing errors
- Elasticity: scaling up and down
- Security
I would say that the book is suitable for owners and managers of medium to large eCommerce businesses, novices in cloud technologies and distributed computing, who would like to know the terminology and better communicate with their IT personnel on cloud solutions.

Update 2015-09-18: This review was part of the O'Reilly Reader Review Program that is no longer available